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Associate Membership Application $200/annual fee

Thank you for your interest in the American Bio Recovery Association (ABRA).

We are a not-for profit International organization dedicated to promoting ethics and education in the field of Bio Recovery / trauma site management. At this time, we are accepting applications. Certain eligibility requirements must be met in order to be considered for membership.

We are an open association and membership is available to anyone who can meet the professional minimum standards set by this organization. Being an ABRA member is the standard by which a certain level of professionalism is bench-marked.


ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Any person, company, firm, proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other similarly organized entity engaged in the manufacturing, sale, installation and/or distribution of machinery or supplies, and/or furnishing services to companies and individuals providing Bio-Recovery Remediation, Trauma Scene Abatement, Disinfection, Crime Scene Cleaning, and other similar services shall be eligible for Associate membership in the Association. An Associate member of the Association is required to subscribe to, and abide by, the Bylaws in effect at the time of the Associate member’s acceptance into the Association, and as they may be amended as provided herein. An Associate member is also obligated to subscribe to, and abide by, the Association’s Code of Conduct and Ethics in effect on the date of the Associate member’s acceptance into the Association as well as any amendments thereof. Associate membership is further conditioned upon receipt of all membership dues and fees promptly on their due date, as provided herein.



*INCLUDES the following conference items: 

(Register for your exhibit table with promotional code provided when your complete the application/renewal and payment.)

  • Promotional code discount on your 6’ Exhibitor table at the annual conference.   (You will get a notification when Exhibitor Registration opens for the conference, Register for your exhibit table with promotional code provided when your complete the application/renewal and payment.)
  • Access to the conference registration list and ABRA membership list*
     Marketing opportunities throughout the year within the Bio Recovery Today newsletter.
     One Free webinar presentations though out the year marketed to the ABRA membership that count toward CEUs.(Application Required)

 (Content of webinar must be educational in nature and approved by the Education Committee to be considered for CEUs.)

          • Listing in the conference binder given to every attendee
          • Associate members are welcome to volunteer on select ABRA committees.
          • Listing within the on-line ABRA Buyers Guide.

Our Policy: Membership in ABRA requires that the member will subscribe and agree to abide by ABRA’s Code of Ethics and Bylaws, as they are now, or as they may be amended and all Rules, Regulations and/or Policies that are now in effect or may be approved and adopted by the membership or the Board of Directors. Members also agree to meet financial obligations promptly as they become due.




Contact Us

American Bio Recovery Association
300 New Jersey Avenue NW Suite 900 PMB #9031
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 888-979-2272

Connect With Us

Our mission

ABRA’s objective is “to achieve and maintain the highest levels of competence among members in the performance of their profession. To teach, instill and require the highest technical, ethical and educational standards.” ABRA certified firms are required to maintain proper insurance, OSHA compliance, Bloodborne Pathogen training records, respirator fit testing, proper handling of biohazardous waste and other laws or requirements in order to maintain good standing with the American Bio-Recovery Association aka ABRA.